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Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm


Embroidery is:

 One of the highest-quality possibilities of textile refinements. Durability, feeling and wash ability of the applied company logo, motif or the promotion message are hardly to be excelled by other printing methods.

How does Embroidery work?

 The bobbin on an embroidery machine works in the same manner and for the same purpose as on a standard sewing machine. The computerized technique of turning a design image into an embroidery program. Special software is used to create plotting commands for the embroidery machine.

The advantages of Embroidery

 Embroidery remains one of the top methods of logo apparel decoration for a number of reasons. Embroidery is the art of stitching your design onto the shirt using our high tech computerised embroidery machines. The finish is sleek and professional, hard-wearing and durable.

Here are a few reasons why embroidery is important:

 Uniqueness: A custom embroidered design is always down to you, you as the customer have full control over the design you want and embroidery is very versatile, it can be done on polo’s, caps, trousers etc. The results of an embroidered design are consistent from piece to piece and the item produced is a high quality item with a perceived high value.

 Advertisement: An embroidered shirt is essentially a walking advertisement. Custom embroidered shirts are a great way to get your business’ name out there. Instead of your employees wearing solid coloured button down shirts or plain polo’s, just consider the statement it would make to have your logo embroidered on the front of the shirt. All employees wearing the same embroidered polo sends a message that they are all in this together and that they need to work together.

 Durability: A quality embroidered design is very hard wearing and is designed to stand heavy laundering on high temperatures with colours that won’t fade. It is more common for a shirt to wear out before the embroidered image does. The design won’t be ruined by common wear and tear as the stitching is tough and hard-wearing.

 Quality: A well done embroidered design is always good quality giving off a good impression. It gives you the professional look you require for your work uniforms, team shirts, school uniforms etc. It also gives off a perception that it is high value and has been designed carefully. The thread used has sheen which really helps the colour stand out and catch people’s eye.

As you can see there are a number of reasons why embroidery is important for custom decorated apparel.


Embroidery - Technically 

 However, how does such an embroidery design get onto caps, pullovers or pockets?
At the beginning stands the idea of a design, mostly in the form of a company logo together with a slogan. If the idea only exists on paper, the design must be digitized into computer readable data. This takes place e.g. through reading in with a scanner. Then if the motif is available as a file, it must be converted into vector graphics. In this case, individual pixels are no more determining for the design but the lines, which separate a color field. One recognizes vector graphics also by the fact that one is able to enlarge them infinitely without quality loss, because the dividing lines always remain sharp. These vector graphics are loaded into the punch program. The semantics of the word is to be traced back to the procedures before the computerized embroidery program creation where the commands were still pricked by hand in a punch card made of hard paper.

 The puncher on the software decisively determines the quality of the finished stitch content. Here there are dozens of parameters such as stitch density, stitch direction, stitch distance, stitch pattern and the precedence of stitch work correctly on the motif, the embroidery machine and the textiles to be embroidered. Thus a cap requires a different embroidery program than a leather jacket, even if it concerns one and the same embroidery motif.



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